What We Do
The Arc of Camden County works with people of all ability levels to assist them in achieving their goals and dreams. We provide opportunities for personal growth through self-advocacy and a variety of Employment Services. We have individuals in our programs with a variety of backgrounds and support needs. We work with individuals who have intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities, mental health, and medical needs. We support individuals from all socio-economic statuses, and we don’t discriminate based on race, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Ticket To Work

In 2021, we became and Employment Network through the Social Security Administration (SSA). Adding this service to our already wide range of supports for people with disabilities felt like a natural fit. This program allows us to support individuals who want to obtain employment on more of a full-time basis and not be dependent upon their SSA income. Helping individuals to become financially independent is so important for them to be able to achieve their goals and dreams. Part of this service is to do benefits counseling to advise the individual how working will affect their SSA income.
Understanding how one might be able to earn more money by coming off their SSA income, can be a game changer for many people. Many people are worried about losing their Medicaid or health care benefits and we show them a variety of ways they may be able to still keep their Medicaid and earn more money than they could by staying on SSA income. Benefits Counseling is a service that we can provide to anyone who receives Social Security benefits and are either working or interested in working.
Learn more about services Ticket To Work offers on their website.
Benefits Planning
Our Certified Partner Work Incentives Counselors can assist you in understanding how work can affect your Social Security, Federal, State, and local benefits.
Verification of benefits received
General Consultations
Benefits Summary and Analysis
Wage and Subsidy reporting information
Additional referrals and resources
Ongoing Support
Evaluations & Assessments
- Personal and Vocational Inventories: Help individuals express their interests when they are developing their work goals prior to the development of an employment plan
- Employment Plan: A plan created by the individual, their employment specialist, and support group to layout steps needed to highlight strengths, overcome barriers, and reach their employment goals.
- (TWE) Trial Work Evaluations: A TWE is conducted with the goal of helping the VRC determine eligibility for an individual whose ability to benefit from VR services is uncertain.
- Resume and Cover Letter Development
- Job Development and application assistance
- Interview Preparation
- Interview Support
- Thank you letters and Follow up
Onboarding and Orientation
On site or offsite supports to help individuals feel confident and prepared to accept and enter their new position.
Job Coaching
On site or offsite support in mastering a new position as well as continued support to maintain employment.
Long Term Follow Along
Continued support in assisting consumers in maintaining successful employment.